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Polish 7th Naval Assault Division

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Saved by Richard Phillips
on October 20, 2011 at 2:52:39 pm

Polish 7th Naval Assault Division 1980s

Morale: Veteran

Div HQ 1 - HQ stand in OT62C  

1 - SA7 stand in OT62C  

3 Marine Regiments (4th, 34th, 35th), each with:

Regt HQ 1 - HQ stand in OT62C

1 - 82mm or 120mm mortar in OT62C

1 - AGS-17 G/L in OT62C

1- AT 7 or AT-3 ATGM stand in OT62C

     5 Marine Companies, each with:

          2 - Marine infantry stands in OT62C (TOPAS-2AP)


1 Tank Company, with:

          2 - PT76B light tank stands


Divisional Assets:

Recce Btn with:

2 x BDRM1 or 2 or OT-65

3 x Recce stand in Jeep


11th Tank Btn with:

Btn HQ 1 - HQ stand in T-55M

3 Tank Companies, each with:

2 - T-55M


29th AA Btn, with:

3 - ZSU23-4

3 - SA-9


40th SSM Btn, with:

1 - FROG-7


MRL Btn with:

3 x BM21 MRL


46th Engineer Btn with

Btn HQ 1 - HQ std in truck  

1-MTU-54 AVLB stand (Heroics & Ros T28 Bridgelayer Conversion using T55 Hull)      

3 Engineer Companies, each with:

2 - Engineer stands in TOPAS-2AP


Maintenance Btn

1 - T55 ARV (Scotia T55 ARV)

2 - WPT-34 Repair & Maintenance Vehicle  (Scotia T34 ARV)  

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